6 Ways to help get you through the holidays.........

Hello there,  

I have some much to share not sure where to begin.  If you don't know already I am just giddy about my event that I will be hosting at West Elm on September 21st! I have been planning and going over my best advice to share with all of you.  I would love to hear from you as well. Please tell me what is on your mind and what design dilemmas you have or don't know you have so we can help you move on to bigger and better things!!!

This has been a long relaxing weekend.  I squeezed in a little work, but for the most part I just sat back and enjoyed the family.  That is always a plus.   

I wanted to share with you some helpful tips to make the most of the upcoming world wind of seasons....  I'm sure you have seen the holiday decorations already coming out even though we are still in triple digit delirium..... none the less the holidays are coming. So get ready and get set.   

Here are 6 things to help you get through these upcoming months like a champ.  


1.  Start now!

 I'm sure you have heard that the "early bird gets the worm" ... or maybe 

 you thought that the early bird is super tired and has bad hair? No?   If you

actually start planning for fall now when it comes you will be sitting on easy street while Polly procrastination struggles and stresses.   Don't worry your local Hobby Lobby has so many choices... just pick a theme. Grab some coupons and get to getting!  


2. Plan a get together!

 If you plan a get together that often forces you to put that rear in gear and get what is needed now rather than letting the time pass you by.  


3. Keep it simple

 A little holiday cheer goes a long way . Sometimes just rearranging the furniture keeps things fresh, simple and FREE!  

4. Get inspiration!

 I love getting inspiration from everything.  My nail polish my..shoes but even easier there are plenty of websites and magazines dedicated to making this time so easy and fill you with so many ideas.  HGTV is a great one because they have so many do it yourself tips. Check here for more : 


5. Start a new tradition

.  Sometimes starting a new tradition like driving to the apple orchard and then coming home and making fresh apple cider on a certain day or watching a certain movie together puts you in the mood and the action naturally follows. 

6. Give yourself a break.

 It doesn't have to be perfect.  Decorating your home for the holidays and making it welcoming for your family is something that is done in the spirit of togetherness and love.    Enjoy the increased opportunity to be with those you love the most and it will all work out just fine!    

Image from BHG.com

Image from BHG.com

Below are some easy 5 minute decorating tips from http://www.bhg.com


